24-25 Kasım 2022, İstanbul
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Istanbul University, Bartin University, and Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, its our pleasure and privilege to invite you to attend the International Conference on Smart Logistics, which will be held in Istanbul, Turkey from 24-25 November 2022.
We stated “Smart Logistics” as the main theme of the Conference with the aim of directing attendees from universities, public and private sector to focus on theory and practices at the same time. Conference attendees will have the chance to benefit from scientific exchange with national and international experts and discuss recent research challenges and developments in the related fields.
We cordially invite scholars, experts, academics and other shareholders to submit proposals for papers and panels for the International Conference on Smart Logistics and encourage submissions on all topics relating to both theory and practices in the fields of smart logistics. Selected papers from the Conference will be published in academic journals such as Journal of Transportation and Logistics (JTL) and Bartin University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. We hope you will enjoy the Conference and we are looking forward to welcoming you to Istanbul.
Best regards,
On Behalf of Organizing Committee
Prof. Abdullah OKUMUŞ
Congress President
International Conference on Smart Logistics
24-25 Kasım 2022
Faculty of Transportation and Logistics, İstanbul
Arşivlenmiş Etkinlik
İstanbul Üniversitesi Ulaştırma ve Lojistik Fakültesi
İ.Ü. Avcılar Kampüsü 34320 Avcılar/İstanbul
+ 90 (212) 440 00 00 - 19200