09-11 Kasım 2021, İstanbul
Istanbul University Faculty of Transportation and Logistics will hold the 11th International Students' Symposium on Logistics and International Business in Istanbul between 09-11 November 2021, together with the University of Maribor Faculty of Logistics.
Within the scope of this international symposium, the changes in logistics and supply chain management are expected in the future and the researches in this field will be discussed. Under the pandemic conditions, technical trips and workshops for graduate and doctoral students will be organized in the scope of the symposium. With this symposium, the participants will have the opportunity to learn and discuss new approaches and practices in the field of international trade and logistics.
This event will provide a unique opportunity for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students primarily in the fields of international trade, logistics, and engineering and faculty members researching in these fields to share their research and establish international connections.
11th International Students' Symposium on Logistics and International Business
09-11 Kasım 2021
Avcılar, İstanbul
Arşivlenmiş Etkinlik
İstanbul Üniversitesi Ulaştırma ve Lojistik Fakültesi
İ.Ü. Avcılar Kampüsü 34320 Avcılar/İstanbul
+ 90 (212) 440 00 00 - 19200